Friday, January 15, 2010

Scariest Woman Alive - Rachel Maddow

So funny - watching her read the teleprompter and sucking up to Obama, Obama Care and the Democrat Party.

In fact - the reason her lips looks bint is because of this constant sucking. And, you will never hear about Coakley and the family with the small baby that she screwed! Oh no, Rachel would never bring up the truth about something one of her Demo's has done! She only talks about the truth when it comes to Republicans, Tea Baggers and Conservatives.

This is what makes Rachel the Scariest Woman Alive. Her deep low voice and evil eyes that stare right through you and doesn't hide the fact that it shows her true lies.

I don't expect this woman to go very far. This is about as far as she will ever go and the lowest that MSNBC has ever been in ratings.

It's Not Kennedys Seat - It Massachusetts Seat!

Caokey will lose. Ok - Tuesday I might have to eat my words.

However, maybe I won't. Even if she squeaks through and pulls it out with a few votes, she's still the loser for hereself and the Democrat Party.

Scott Brown is and will always be the big winner - even if he loses! He's basically shown to the State of Massachusetts that Democrats take their State for granted. Everything is expected, and handed to them on a silver plater.

The big story will be - if Scott Brown pulls this off - how soon will he be seated. Will the Democrats stall - so that Brown can't vote on the Health Care Bill? We shall see. If this does happen - there will be hell to pay for the Democrat Party!

Coakey - has other issues as well - but the story about a small baby - really tells me all I need to know about this lady and her Liberal life style. She a crook, but just never got caught. Watch a shame!

Picture of The Day

Calm before the Storm

Dumbest Man of The Month

Now - you might think you know the answer to this question, but think again. It's only hit me today - after seeing how stupid some people can be.

Danny Glover - The Dumbest Man of the Month. His remarks - that Global Warming was the reason for Haiti problems. That Venezuela Hugo Chavez and Cuba are the leaders and should show us the way!

Appears Danny is suffering from some mental disorder or something. Now you know why so many people are laughing at him! No one takes him seriously - and he will fade off into the sunset as just another actor in hollywood that lost his mind.

Good luck Danny - hope God has a sense of humor when you meet him!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Picture of the Month - Jan 2010

Windows & Mac Background Images Available

Glen Beck and Sarah Palin

Wow - it was so cool to hear Beck talk about his private younger years (briefly) - and didn't want to return back down that road. Heart-Warming!

The sit down - one on one talk - with Sarah Palin was fun, truthful and insightful! It was great to watch.

Great talk about Trust and other issues of Truth! A great show.

Jon Stewart - Lair or Figetter?

I have to start off by saying - this guy is funny to me in many instances.

However, I do have to draw the line. If this is where you get the news - from Jon Stewart? Then you have more issues in your life than I care to talk about. I hope the Liberals find some Democratic fund that can help you get the medical attention you need.

Although Jon Stewart does suck Obama's XYZ - (keep it clean - deep throat) - on a daily basis - I guess I could give him credit for being one of the best Consistant Liberal Comedians on Late Night today!

One thing about Jon - he really tries to over-do-it many times, over-sell his point, as though he's trying to shove it in your mouth and help you close it - as you choke while swallowing it. ahhh -Like - did you get it? (ahhhh - let's see - Do I have a Brain?)

Jon - you're gonna need a good supply of vaseline! Obama's watching!